
In the rare event that you must cancel your order prior to delivery, you must read and understand the following terms.

Cancellation terms and conditions

5.1. If You wish to cancel Your Order prior to delivery of a Vehicle You must do so in writing.


5.2. If you fail to return any documentation We require within fourteen calendar days of Our sending them, or fail to make any required payment within fourteen calendar days of Our request for payment, or in any other way fail to fulfil Your obligations under these Terms and Conditions, We may consider that You wish to cancel Your Order, and will accept such cancellation. You will then be liable for charges under Clauses 5.3 & 5.4.

5.3. If We accept Your cancellation under Clauses 5.1 or 5.2, We will levy a charge for administrative expenses incurred in processing your Order and all services related thereto. This charge shall be at Our sole discretion, but shall not exceed £1000 excluding VAT.

5.4. You will indemnify Us against any additional costs we incur as a result of Your cancellation. If We incur such costs, We will invoice You for them. We will provide evidence of such costs to You upon request.

5.5. Any charges levied pursuant to Clause 5.4 shall be in addition to any charges levied pursuant to Clause 5.3.

5.6. You will pay any amounts due pursuant to Clause 5 within seven calendar days of receiving notice from Us of Your liability for them.

5.7. The entirety of Clause 5 will not apply if You cancel by exercising any rights afforded to You under the Consumer Credit Act 1974, the Consumer Protection (Distance Sales) Regulations 2000 or the Financial Services (Distance Marketing) Regulations 2004. Note that these regulations afford cancellation rights in limited circumstances only.

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